Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Learning Word Endings

 This week we are learning about -ing and -ed word endings.

We are learning that when you add -ing to the end of the word, it is happening now. Tomorrow we will learn that when you add -Ed to the end of the word, it happened in the past...Of course there are exceptions to these rules but we don't go there :) I just explain that we will learn all different types of rules and exceptions in our language throughout our learning years.
We first generated a list of verbs. We then had somebody model it happening now. Next, we said the sentence, such as, "Hannah is dancing." Then, we added the new -ing word to the next column in our chart.

Finally, we had to meet the -ing kids. These kids are happening now!

The children then were able to create their own -ing kids they could hang up as a poster at home to remind them that -ing means "it is happening now!"

Stay tuned for more on our word study this week!

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