Monday, August 22, 2011


Greetings Safari Room Families!
Welcome to our First Grade Blog!
This blog will be used to communicate information about what is going on in our classroom, highlight special events and learning, showcasing how we are integrating technology as 21st Century Learners and share our Safari Room Adventures!
This is my 3rd year as a First Grade Teacher at Quincy and my 4th year teaching First Grade in Zeeland Public Schools and I am VERY excited to get to know your family and your child and begin a year of wonderful learning and growth!

You may comment on this blog if you have a gmail account. I will approve comments first, to make sure no spammers have left inappropriate messages, etc.

I hope you will enjoy this blog as I am learning how to integrate it into my communicating and teaching! We are all 21st Century Learners :)

Cheers to a wonderful school year!