Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fluency in Reading

Dear families,
As STRONG and GROWING readers, we are always working on our FACE of a growing reader. This week while continuing to work on decoding strategies to read words Accurately (A in FACE), we are learning about reading Fluently (F in FACE). Fluent readers read the words smoothly, like when we're talking and read with expression. We practice and model fluent reading by keeping our fingers under each word, checking for punctuation (stopping for a breath at a period, asking like a question with a question mark and reading excitedly for an exclamation point), going back to re-read if we didn't read very smoothly and reading Good Fit books. We practice changing our voices when we notice talking marks and reading like we think the author would want us to read.  This is a great strategy for you to practice when you read with your child at home, to grow their fluency.

Here Joe and Blake are reading their "Orange Pumpkin, Orange Pumpkin" book practicing their fluency.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Word Endings Day 2

To continue our learning about word endings, today we learned that when something happens in the past, we add -ed to the end. So we met granny and gramps -ed. After adding -ed to our words on our word endings chart, we created our own granny and gramps -ed to take home and use as a poster to remind ourselves of word endings. We are also learning that -ed can say "ed," "d," or "t," depending on the word.

Tomorrow we will do a word hunt around the room for words with these endings and we will add a few games to our word work choice during Daily 3 by the end of this week or next week.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Learning Word Endings

 This week we are learning about -ing and -ed word endings.

We are learning that when you add -ing to the end of the word, it is happening now. Tomorrow we will learn that when you add -Ed to the end of the word, it happened in the past...Of course there are exceptions to these rules but we don't go there :) I just explain that we will learn all different types of rules and exceptions in our language throughout our learning years.
We first generated a list of verbs. We then had somebody model it happening now. Next, we said the sentence, such as, "Hannah is dancing." Then, we added the new -ing word to the next column in our chart.

Finally, we had to meet the -ing kids. These kids are happening now!

The children then were able to create their own -ing kids they could hang up as a poster at home to remind them that -ing means "it is happening now!"

Stay tuned for more on our word study this week!